The Lake Street Improvements are now complete!

The contractor has completed the punch list work along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83, and the roadway is now fully open.

The Village of Grayslake, Gewalt Hamilton Associates, Inc., and Peter Baker & Son, Inc. would like to sincerely thank you for your patience and cooperation during the Lake Street Improvements construction project.

The final punch list work is progressing along Lake Street

The contractor has completed the landscape restoration and the majority of the punch list work along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83, and the roadway is now fully open. The landscape restoration will undergo a period of establishment after which the landscaping will be reviewed and approved or repaired as necessary.

Motorists should expect periodic lane closures along Lake Street until the punch list work is complete next week.

The final punch list work is occurring along Lake Street

The contractor began landscape restoration and punch list work along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Complete the final punch list work along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Motorists should expect periodic lane closures along Lake Street as punch list work continues. Please continue be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zone.

The final asphalt surface along Lake Street is completed

The contractor completed paving the final layer of asphalt and installed the new pavement markings along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Complete the remaining pavement markings
  • Place the landscape seed and mulch along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Begin final punch list work along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Paving final asphalt surface along Lake Street begins

The contractor began to pave the second, and final, layer of asphalt along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Complete the paving of the second layer of asphalt along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Install the new pavement markings along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Motorists should be alert for prime coat installation along Lake Street

Weather permitting, the contractor plans to apply a bituminous prime coat on the Lake Street pavement on Monday, July 16th. This is a petroleum-based material, which until it has had time to cure, is very sticky and difficult to remove. Therefore, please exercise caution and travel very slowly when driving on this material.

Please pay close attention to the orange construction signs marked “Fresh Oil”. These signs will go up along the job site prior to placing the bituminous prime coat.

Preparation for final asphalt paving continues along Lake Street

The contractors completed installation of the new guardrail, traffic signal loop detectors, and concrete sidewalk along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Install prime coat along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Pave the second layer of asphalt along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.

Continued work on Bike Path along Lake Street

The contractor paved the bike path from Doolittle Park to Jamestown Court this week. They also adjusted the frames for the remaining concrete sidewalk sections.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Complete the remaining sections of concrete sidewalk along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Complete the area around the bike path.
  • Finish installing the traffic signal loop detectors.
  • Place the guardrails.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.


Enjoy the 4th of July!

The contractors will not be working along Lake Street on Wednesday, July 4th in observance of Independence Day.

The Lake Street project team wishes everyone a Happy 4th of July!

Asphalt paving begins along Lake Street

The contractor paved the first layer of asphalt along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.

Next week, weather permitting, the contractors plan to;

  • Complete the remaining sections of concrete sidewalk along Lake Street from Center Street to IL 83.
  • Complete final preparations and pave the asphalt bike path from Doolittle Park and Jamestown Court.
  • Continue to install the traffic signal loop detectors in various locations.

Motorists should continue to expect daily lane closures along Lake Street as progress continues. Please be alert and aware of flaggers when traveling through the work zones.